Friday, February 29, 2008

Indecent Proposal

it feels like an epoch since i last felt sexual.

but when i received my second carnal proposal for the year from yet a different source, i was left disconcerted and incredulous.

casual encounters have never floated my boat. though i might have "rowed" other boats and "rocked" them too one time or another in a distant past that has become quite a blur.

but when i politely refused yet again... this time i started to second guess myself..

have i been reduced from being saucy to being sedate?

am i now dowdy and more alarmingly....frigid?

why do i still exude the allure, the elusiveness of a woman ready to be taken when i never expected to feel neither passion nor lust ever again?

my mind is filled with these questions but my body is telling me one thing...

i am desirable. still.

time will come.

and so will i.

heehee ;p

Friday, February 8, 2008

happy birthday to you..

happy birthday, to the love of my life as yet.

we don't talk anymore, i know. i'd love to greet you today but i won't.

i'm sure you understand. i'm sure you know why.

but in my own little way...and inside my own secret world...

i wish you a very happy birthday.

i gave you pieces of myself that i would never want back.

be happy today.. and everyday.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

happy birthday to me!

i felt 8,000 years old.

but i felt loved and cherished too.

i forgot how family and friends could make my day.

slices of cake. a cute shirt. a black wrist watch. a chance encounter with an old crush. a new movie buddy. perpetual drinking buddies. a carnal proposal.

my birthday was all that and more. :)